Gelatin Gummies 3 ways!
Consuming a good quality gelatin in your diet can do wonders for your gut health. It works by repairing the guts intestinal wall mucosal membranes and can promote the generation of gastric secretions needed for proper digestion. The brand I used is NutraOrganics which is grass-fed beef gelatin and can be purchased from the source wholefoods in smaller amounts.
The ice trays were all purchased from Kmart for $1.50 each.
Get creative! Feel free to use my recipe for a ratio guide and throw in what you already have at home. Your favourite smoothie will do fine.
ALL dairy-free, gluten-free and refined sugar-free!
Each batch will fill one tray, so double if you want to make two batches. These can be kept in the fridge for a week and are great to have on hand for sweet cravings.

Green Cactus’
¼ cup Store-bought green pressed juice (alternatively if you have a juicer you can make your own)
1 tbsp of grass-fed gelatin
1 tsp of stevia
Mix all ingredients in a small bowl and set aside for 3 mins to create a paste. Place mix into a small saucepan and whisk until the gelatin has dissolved. Do not allow it to get to a boil!
Using a gravy boat or beaker, carefully pour into moulds and place in the fridge for 15 mins. Enjoy.
Vitamin C pineapples
These gummies can especially be great for kids colds, and flu’s in the colder months
1/3 cup of store-bought orange/mango pressed juice
1 ½ tsp of vitamin C powder
1 tbsp of grass-fed gelatin
1/3 cup of filtered water
Mix the water with the gelatin and place in a saucepan on low heat. Mix with a whisk until the gelatin has dissolved — meanwhile, combined juice and vitamin c powder in a small bowl. When the gelatin has dissolved, add to the small juice bowl. Using a gravy boat or beaker, carefully pour into moulds and place in the fridge for 15 mins. Enjoy.
Strawberries and cream unicorns
1/3 cup of raspberry puree
1/3 cup of coconut cream
2 tbsp of grass-fed gelatin
Mix the raspberry and 1 tbsp of gelatin and place in a saucepan on low heat. When the gelatin has dissolved place into a beaker and carefully pour into moulds 1/3 – ½ the way. Place into the freezer for 5 mins.
Mix remaining gelatin to coconut cream and place on low heat, whisking until dissolved. Take the mould out of the freezer and pour onto the raspberry layer.
Place in the freezer for another 15 mins. Enjoy.

Jade is a final year naturopathy Student at Southern School of Natural Therapies. She is currently seeing patients from the student clinic at their Fitzroy campus.